Vision Egg Visual stimulus creation and control
with open source software


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Labview: GUI/Data acquisition interface

Thanks to Jamie Theobald (Graduate Program in Neurobiology and Behavior, Zoology Department, University of Washington) for contributing Labview 6 code to control gratings made with the Vision Egg. He writes:

As of yesterday, my own Labview program - written for the Innisfree
Picasso - is completely functional with the Vision Egg.  It took
some messing around, but I can now do experiments as well or better
than before.

I intend to phase out my Labview programs over time - in favor of
Python - but in the meantime it is quickest to interface with what I
already have.  And it's created a set of tools in Labview that
control the Vision Egg gratings.  It can't take advantage of
everything that the Vision Egg can do, but I don't think you can do
that without knowing Python.  And it's not a bad start, either.  It
does everything I've ever needed with gratings (the contrast ramps
are really nice).  It uses go loops with daq triggering for

The Labview code is in the ''visionegg-contrib'' package at the Vision Egg SourceForge files page. Control is the main program file in that package.

To the best of my knowledge, this is the setup that he uses:

Computer setup overview

Here are some screenshots he sent from Labview running on Mac OS 9.

Grating Control Labview panel
Edit Grating panel
VI diagram

Please direct enquires to the Vision Egg mailing list.
The primary author of the Vision Egg is Andrew Straw
This page last modified 27 Jun 2004.
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